



北科罗拉多大学 President Andy Feinstein delivered his annual State 9月11日,大学校长向全体学生发表演讲. 26号,在大学中心 山地大宴会厅.  

Feinstein drew inspiration for this year’s address from his real-life experiences 整个夏天. 在高等学校待了25年后第一次休假 education, Feinstein spent two months with his family, climbing and hiking as many 科罗拉多14000英尺高的山峰. 他说,这段经历提供了很多 parallels to the journey the university is undertaking in pursuit of the goals outlined 在其十年战略计划中 划船,不要漂流. 他强调,这两种旅程有时都需要高度关注细节 the moment, but he also stressed the importance of shifting that focus to a broader 欣赏已经取得的成就. 

“On countless occasions, I have looked up from what seems like an endless wall of boulders to find myself overwhelmed by a vista more stunning than what I had imagined,” Feinstein说. “在我们迈向2030年的共同旅程中,我们必须记住抬头 一路走来.”  

This fall, the university is passing the midway point in the second of its five-phase 战略计划. 范斯坦的讲话加强了他对实现这些目标的承诺 set forth in the vision for 2030, while celebrating key accomplishments that have already occurred across each of the five vision elements that guide the university’s 工作.


Feinstein defined the university’s core principle of being 学生们首先 as a commitment 改变学生的生活.  

One key achievement he highlighted from the past year in support of that commitment UNC的 科罗拉多大学第一年入学保证. 这个项目 guarantees admission to the university for eligible Colorado high school 消除了人们对北卡大学是否是大学选择的猜测. 这个项目 is of particular relevance to UNC students as 80% of the university’s undergraduate population are Colorado residents, 42% are first in the families to attend college 近30%符合佩尔资格.  

“Universities like ours – regional publics – are an essential part of higher education 在美国. 我们将继续致力于保持优质教育 容易获得且负担得起,”范斯坦说. 

Other recent accomplishments that speak to student success include changes to the 机构的学术组合. 这所大学在今年秋天增加了新的学位课程 in statistics and computer science, certifications in drone technologies, GIS and entrepreneurship and a Latinx music concentration, the first of its kind in the U.S.  

范斯坦还承认该大学推出了面向公众的项目 校友就业信息表. The new interactive tool tracks the occupations and industries of employment pursued 由博天堂官方毕业生提供,进一步证明学生毕业后的成功. 


Emphasizing that the diverse backgrounds, talents and experiences of the university community create a richer environment for everyone, Feinstein remarked on the upward 学生群体多样化的趋势. 根据2023年秋季入学情况 data, the number of Hispanic and Latinx-identifying students is at an all-time high 今年秋天是26岁.3%,高于之前的25%.2022年秋季5%. 实现这一里程碑意味着UNC is now eligible to submit an application early in 2024 for federal designation as 西班牙裔服务机构. 

There have also been efforts across campus to build competency in diversity, equity 包容,包括:   

  • The Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’s Understanding and Navigating Inclusion 透过教育(团结起来)工作坊系列. 
  • 的发展 全纳教学法项目 来自教与学促进中心. 
  • a的实现 DEI研究员计划 多亏了雪佛龙公司的慷慨捐赠


One of Feinstein’s key priorities is ensuring the institution has a strong team in 引领大学的现在和未来. 范斯坦说,补偿 is an important component to building that team and pointed to the university’s investments 在过去的两年里,教职员工的工资都有所增长.  

Other institutional efforts that align with ensuring UNC is a desirable place to 工作 包括: 

  • Launching a campus climate survey that will help inform future 工作 of the university’s 战略计划. 调查结果将在稍后与校园社区分享 今年秋天. 
  • Gathering feedback and contributions from the university community on the creation 设施综合规划. 
  • 正在进行的装修在大学中心,以提高餐饮选择. 
  • 计划中的网络升级将改善校园内的无线连接.


Feinstein provided examples from across the university that showcased efforts to foster 批判性探究、发现和创造的机会. 他列举了具体的成就, 比如 多米尼加共和国文化交流之旅 taken by students and faculty in the College of Performing and Visual 艺术 and the 最近reaccreditation 在蒙福特商学院攻读商学和会计学两个学位. 他还强调 his commitment to the university’s pursuit of creating a College of Osteopathic Medicine and indicated that a top priority in the coming year is to secure support to make 大学成为现实. 

“We continue to look for ways to expand UNC’s capacity to meet some of the most pressing 我们国家和世界面临的机遇和挑战,”范斯坦说道. “通过 the establishment of an osteopathic medical college, we will expand on UNC’s long history as a leader in preparing graduates for careers in health care and health sciences.” 


Feinstein closed his speech acknowledging the achievements that pertain to the last of the five vision elements, emphasizing the importance of partnerships, collaboration 建立社区.  

He made a particular point of acknowledging the dedicated donors whose generosity help advance the institution’s strategic priorities, indicating that last year’s fundraising efforts were the third best in history, following the record-breaking success of the 前一年. 他还强调了建立牢固关系的重要性 格里利及其他地区的教育、商业和社区合作伙伴. 

“Whether it’s participating in the Kickoff Community Celebration for the Greeley-Evans School District or hosting a Juneteenth celebration in partnership with the city of Greeley, UNC seeks to set the standard for how engaged universities enrich the communities 它们所在的地方,”范斯坦说.  

Other key initiatives and events that Feinstein included in his message were the milestone 庆祝大学的 100th 同学会, 10月. 9-15和UNC 超出标准 品牌推广活动. 该活动与战略计划中的一个关键行动项目相一致 提高学校和格里利的知名度. 竞选标语 在校园里和整个地区都可以看到广告牌. 这个概念不是 only a nod to the university’s physical location in the state it communicates that “没有单一的标签来定义我们."

As the second phase of the 战略计划 concludes at the end of the academic year, Feinstein reminded those in attendance that 工作 will transition to collaboratively 为即将到来的第三阶段制定关键行动和策略.  

“我希望,在你们今天离开的时候,你们停下来庆祝一下我们取得的成就. 甚至 as we look to all that is ahead, remember that we are 工作ing together, driven by 共同的目标感,”范斯坦说. “是什么让体验变得有价值 is the joy of coming together for the betterment of our university and the people 我们所服务.” 

Until then, Feinstein encouraged the university community to pause, peer over the 在山的边缘,欣赏迄今为止所取得的成就.
